I once heard a trader say that after he made some money in his account he would take out the original investment. Then he was only playing with money he didn’t originally have making the losses not hurt as much. It became easier to make money because he had taken the pressure off himself.
By doing this he was better able to stay in control of his emotions and not get caught up in trading the money. He was just trading period. He was better able to follow the rules and not get caught up with the placing of the stop loss, getting out early, letting the news bother him and listening to others. He could just concentrate on trading.
Find a way to forget the money and just think about the mechanics of trading and see what a difference it makes. When you are trading your demo account you don’t get as involved with the money, you can concentrate on following the rules and you make money and wonder why you cannot make money when trading your live account.
Just relax and read the market. Trading will become fun again.