If you take trading seriously you will think of trading as a business. Not just a hobby, or a way to get a quick rush, or a way to escape life’s problems, or a way of spending some of your extra time. You can think of trading, as a lot of things but to make the big bucks you talk and dream about, you need to think of it as a business.

Businesses have income and expenses. Most of us know that you have to spend some money to make money. When you lose, that is an expense and when you win, that is income.

Most successful business take off slowly build a good foundation then take off. All businesses have different time frames before they become successful. Many businesses have to adjust when their markets changing. By making small changes in the way they do things as they learn and grow they are staying in tune with their market.

You are much more likely to become profitable when you realize that trading is a business. Do not take it personal when you’re struggling. Do not put blame on someone or something else when you lose. Just learn how to run your business take it at the speed you feel comfortable with. Learn to trade, practice, implement, evaluate, learn to trade more, practice again, implement and evaluate. Do this over and over with each trade and watch your business grow.