An important thing to do when you first start trading is to figure out why you want to trade.  Are you bored?  Are you trying to get rich quick?  Do I want steady or extra income?  Why do I want to trade the forex market? If you are bored the market will wake you up if you do not prepare for it.  If you want to get rich quick, then the market will be more than willing to take your money.  I have seen people put $1.5 million in the market.  Then run it up to over 3 million in just a few weeks.  Then lose almost all of the 3 million in the next few weeks.  Now if that does not get your attention you are either really bored or really wealthy with money to lose.

You will be better off finding out who you are and what you really want out of the market before you start to trade.  It takes a lot of study and discipline to trade the forex market or any financial market for that matter.  From what I have seen, those who study and learn a good trading strategy and discipline themselves to follow the rules become the best traders over time.  They are conservative and let the market come to them.  They do not take advice from everyone that comes along with a hot new idea.  They only use or add to there trading program those things that fit what they are doing.

Plan on a lot of study and learning to become a good trader to make money steadily in the forex market.  Don’t think one can be prepared to trade and make money in the forex market in just a few weeks.  If you are getting in to pick up a little extra money to fill in the gaps in your budget, then guess again.  You would be better off giving the money to a needy friend than to put it in the forex market without learning how to trade first. This way you will have a good feeling for having done something good.  When you lose large amounts of money in the market that you really needed, sadness is what will be felt.

With the proper preparation and understanding of what you are getting into when starting to trade the foreign currency the experience can be very rewarding.

I think you need to have fun with trading.  Learn from the losses, and get motivated but not over-confident with the wins.  Look for steady growth not just for homeruns.