For a couple of years my wife has wanted to learn how to trade. I showed her the platform and how to open demo accounts, and place trades in a demo account. I then suggested that she go to and read about the market. I showed her the Launch Pad Trading system and she was off and trading. She would see my computer with the Nth Degree Indicators on and wanted to learn how to use them. With some basic instructions she was off and trading again.
She did not know all that she needed to know to be a successful trader. The main thing she was lacking was money management. She would take a demo account and in two weeks she would double the account. Then in the next few days she would lose it all and blow up the account.  She really knows what to do when the market was moving but she did not realize there is a time to stop trading and let the market regroup.
She would get frustrated and quite trading for a while then start again. This went on many times until she decided that she would learn what she was doing wrong and ask some questions. Once she started to follow some good solid trading rules and discipline then she really started to make money. She took one account from 2600 to 4500 and another account from 700 to 936 in one month. The target is to double each account then she would get a live account to trade and would be able to keep some of the money she makes. She would leave some profits in the account each month so the account can grow and make it easier to make more money. Now she is really motivated to follow the rules. It is amazing to see the discipline in her trading habits.
I asked her what was helping her to make money now and keep it. She told me the following:
==She now only trades when the market is moving. She now trades during the US session between 7am and 10am mountain, and between 5pm and 9pm mountain. Before she would trade when she had a minute, which was when the market was going sideways.
==She finally grasped the concept of looking at the trend on a larger time frame and timing her entry on a smaller time frame.
==She now trusts the indicators.
== She will close a losing trade rather than let it run and hope that it will come back.
==Confirming of the indicators. She has to have two or more confirming signals before she will enter the market. This increases her chances of a profitable trade.
This is a short overview of one traders journey until the light came on.