“Only a trader with a solid, tested trading plan and the total discipline to execute that plan,
in all its aspects, will be equipped to take advantage of market opportunities and be a
consistently successful trader. All others will fail."

Now ask yourself a couple of questions.


How many times have you done a little chart work and you just "knew" that market was going to
take off? Then you hesitated, for whatever reason, to pull the trigger and the big trade slipped
away... again!

Problem: You have not created a solid trading plan you could trust and feel confident in
enough to make your move when you should have.

Solution: Learn what a "solid" trading plan IS... which includes a style of trader that fits
you, a heavy dose of money management and risk management (two separate things!), and a tight
entrance and exit strategy... then make yourself a trading plan, test it, run it on a demo
account, fine tune it then repeat it until it becomes second nature.


Have you ever had a nice little winning streak, where you had 3 or 4 nice winners in a row,
only to put on that "final" trade where you watch all your profits go down the tubes?
Because you did not have a stop loss in place nor a trading plan to remind you to put a
stop loss on.

Problem: You're out of control when things go "too well". Your overconfidence gets the
best of you and you put on a trade that's not a "high probability" trade because "you're
on a roll", or worse, you "load up positions" so you can really take advantage of your
"streak" without proper money management.

Solution: Train your mind (and I mean change your subconscious patterns, because your
subconscious beliefs control your actions) to stick to the "high probability" trades and
to honor your solid, tested trading plan. Treat your trading like a business, not a game.
Unless you get really honest, with yourself and where you are mentally and emotionally
with your trading and equally as honest with the "tightness" and quality of your trading
plan then you will NOT BE READY to take advantage of the opportunities that will soon be
upon you in the markets.

Here is something you need to know. The volatility that is present when trading the foreign
currency market will shake out those without a tight trading plan and solid discipline.


Like most traders, we struggled in our first few years of trading. We were not willing to
admit that the problem with our trading it was not the market and that the problem was ours
because of our lack of discipline. We even got to the point where I "personified” the
market ... and felt that it was "out to get me".

Then I did something that most traders are not willing to do, I looked in the mirror.
I got honest with myself. I realized that by going around thinking that I had many years
of trading experience and all I needed was more "experience", I accepted the TRUTH... I was
a trader with 1 year of experience repeated several times!

I wasn't changing. I wasn't improving. I was lying to myself! That realization
changed EVERYTHING. Well, not the realization, but the ACTING on the realization.
I decided that I was going to get some help. I found some successful traders that had
been down the road and learn what I could from them. I also committed to myself that I
was going to be disciplined in what they asked me to do.

Here are some ideas on what you can do to turn your trading around.


Develop a tight plan of action (if you don't know how, learn how). Review all that is
in the trading systems forexstrategysecrets.com has opened up to you. Then write out
your tight trading plan from the instruction you have available to you.


Understand that if you are not TOTALLY disciplined right now, you CAN be in a matter of
months, if you are trained properly.


Big opportunities require big commitments. And if I'm right... you may vary will build
the fortune you have been dreaming of. The time is right, right now.

You can contact our Student Advisory Board and ask for an explanation of our affordable
coaching programs. I know this will light the way for improved trading.

800-961-6212 or support@forexstrategysecrets.com.