by Kirk Norwood | Dec 29, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Trading Strategies
Having worked with thousands of traders over the last 5 years... one thing is obvious... Most traders have a good enough trading system to make money and the reason they DON'T is that they lack solid trading discipline. The traders that succeed in trading do the...
by Kirk Norwood | Nov 25, 2009 | Create Trading Plan - Series, Disciplined Trader Series, Exit Signals, Trading Strategies
“Only a trader with a solid, tested trading plan and the total discipline to execute that plan, in all its aspects, will be equipped to take advantage of market opportunities and be a consistently successful trader. All others will fail." Now ask yourself a couple...
by Kirk Norwood | Nov 4, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Emotions, Inside The Trader's Mind, The Disciplined Forex Trader, Trading Strategies
We have summarized the comments of 4 traders about being a more disciplined trader. A day traders comments: He is a consistent trader his accuracy was good but would have a blow up one day a month and lose a lot of what he had made. When he realized that being right...
by Kirk Norwood | Jan 13, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Inspirational
Traders can get depressed because they knew the market was going one way or another; however, they failed to enter the market. Usually the response as to why they did not put on a trade is that they were waiting to be filled at the absolute best possible price (and...
by Kirk Norwood | Jan 12, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Planning A Trading Career
If you have ever been around or seen manufacturing you know that the machines do the same thing all day long over and over again. Each machine is good at what it does and if you ask a filling machine to put on the lid or make a cut it does not work. Traders are...
by Kirk Norwood | Jan 8, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Inside The Trader's Mind, The Disciplined Forex Trader
Knowing you can do it BUILDS CONFIDENCE AND CONTROL. How nice would it to be to turn on your computer in the morning knowing that if you play by the Rules, trade with discipline and stick to your methodology, the probability of a successful day is high. Knowing...