by Kirk Norwood | Nov 17, 2009 | Entry Signals, Exit Signals, Jump Start, Launch Pad, Planning A Trading Career, Trading Program, Trading Strategies
Question: Your site looks great and seems very informative. I was wondering what the difference is between the Jump Start and Launch pad system that costs money? I’m sure there is value in spending the money on the system, I am just looking for some more details....
by Kirk Norwood | Nov 13, 2009 | Trading Strategies, Trading Tips, Trends
Early in my working life I became a shift manager. When a rush of work came in I would jump in and start working right along with the other members of the team. My supervisor suggested that I not jump in and do the work but look at the big picture and direct the flow...
by Kirk Norwood | Nov 4, 2009 | Disciplined Trader Series, Emotions, Inside The Trader's Mind, The Disciplined Forex Trader, Trading Strategies
We have summarized the comments of 4 traders about being a more disciplined trader. A day traders comments: He is a consistent trader his accuracy was good but would have a blow up one day a month and lose a lot of what he had made. When he realized that being right...
by Kirk Norwood | Oct 28, 2009 | Emotions, Inside The Trader's Mind, Mentor's Corner, The Disciplined Forex Trader, Trading Strategies
One of the basic skills a trader needs to possess or develop is the power of observation. They need to become students of observation. This skill of observing things does not just apply when you are trading and looking at charts it will carry over in to the rest of...
by Kirk Norwood | Oct 5, 2009 | Create Trading Plan - Series, Trading Strategies, Trading Tips
Where and how will you find your next trade? Through sitting in front of the computer for hours? Via:Â an alerts system? At the time news comes out? The point is you need a plan for how you will find enough trades to keep you interested and make money. The process of...
by Kirk Norwood | Sep 7, 2009 | Emotions, Inside The Trader's Mind, Inspirational, Trading Strategies
Dodging Bullets 4-4 (excerpts in this series were taken from the book "The 4-Hour Work Week"Â By Timothy Ferris) "Uncovering Fear Disguised as Optimism" "There's no difference between a pessimist who says, 'Oh, it's hopeless, so don't bother doing anything,' and an...