A Financial World in Panic

In this article you will find more great information and advice on trading. This article helps a lot when dealing with success and failure in markets that are challenging. Trading is planning in advance how things can be if you plan and how things can be if you do not...

You Win Some And You Lose Some

You will win some and you will lose some it’s a fact of life for traders: There are several things that contribute to you winning more than you lose. The most important would be knowledge of the market and being able to control your emotions.  The market goes up...

Reasons To Enter And Reasons To Exit Trades

We all have reason why we enter and exit trades.  But what if the market has changed and the reasons are no longer valid as to why we entered a trade.  The best line of thinking we have found is: once the reasons have changed as to why you got into a trade it is...

EIGHT: Trade Less Make More

Everyone needs to find the time of day that is best for them be it emotionally, time restraints, or alertness (when you are not tired of fatigued). Once you find that magic time for you then build your trading around your schedule not what works for others. Once you...