When we refer to our broker we are referring to the people we talk to when we contact that broker.  It may be someone in the funding department, the accounts department, the client services department, or a person placing a trade for us.  In any event they are people.
Yes the broker should be there to serve the client or trader after all it is the trader who keep the broker in business.  Since we are dealing with people we will always get better service if we show a little tact and politeness toward the person helping us.  If we are rude we may still get our concerns taken care of but how much better would it be if we treat the person helping us with a little kindness and respect.  Little do we know that that person may have the answer to a question that we didn’t even think to ask.
Client Service people are more helpful, more flexible and more respectful to their customers if they are treated with respect.  Show a little courtesy and be polite, see if that helps.  You may not have any problems with your PR skills we just thought it would be good to know that employees a