Have you ever eaten so much of your favorite food that you were sick? Have you ever participated in your favorite activity for so long you needed a break? Have you ever been away from home for so long you couldn’t wait until you could get home? The point is we all should keep balance in our lives. Work, play, relaxation, exercise, trading, studying, etc. are all part of a balanced life. Too much of one thing takes the edge off all you do.
Everyone needs a break from trading. One thing that can help put balance in your life is making a forex trading plan. Yes the plan will be about trading but it might include the hours you will trade so there are no temptations to spend extra hours in front of the computer. With some work, family, play, and trading are part of your life you will find that you will be better in all areas. When a mind is given a little rest and a change of pace it functions at a higher level, and more can be retained with less effort.
The main thing is do not spend too much time trading. Look for your signals, make your plan then go do something else. Trading can be addictive so you feel like you have to be looking at the computer all the time. By keeping your life in balance you will be a better trader with less effort.