You need three things in your trading system to have the edge you are looking for:
1. Signals that give you distinct alerts for entry and exit points.
2. The ability to determine the direction of the trend, so you know which way to trade.
3. A system which allows you to time your entry. Having that can make you a lot of extra pips. It is important to know how much money you are willing to risk on each trade.
When you know how and when to get into the market and how much you have at risk, it takes a lot of the emotion and guess work out of trading. Then, if you can add a system to know where to put your stop loss once the trade is profitable, you have a good foundation to work with. This will allow you to protect your profit and help you determine how and when to add on to a profitable trade. Start with a good foundation and grow from there. There are many traders that spend years trying to find something that works, and even then they are still not quite satisfied.