Don’t fall for one. One of the first things you must learn about the Forex market is that although it is enjoyable and exciting, there is no magic button that will instantly turn your pennies into millions of dollars. There are companies purposely misleading people into thinking that making money in the Forex is easy and that they have found the “Holy Grail” to making a lot of money with a simple click of a button. The truth is that no matter how you look at it, education is the only fool proof way to consistently make money in the Foreign Exchange Market. Even after you finish reading through all the information we refer you to, your journey as a FX trader is only just beginning. I have never met a successful Forex trader who stopped learning. There is always something new to learn and you must actively seek out as much information as you can. The best investment you can ever make is in yourself. I didn’t say you should put your money into a trading account and start trading, or give your money to someone else to trade it for you. To find out a few weeks or months later that they have lost most of your account is not something you want to go through. Instead of giving your hard earned money to someone else, you could put that money aside into a trading account and take the time to educate yourself. One of the first mistakes I see people make is that they do not know how to work the free platforms that many brokers offer. They just get the software loaded on their computers, put on a trade and do not even know how to close the trade. Then they panic wondering how to get out of the trade that is going against them. Some of the first things you should learn are how to use your brokers trading software, how to place and close trades and how to put on and use a few technical indicators. On our home page you can sign up for free forex trading platform tutorials and get a free overview of how to use a trading platform. Once you know how to use the trading platform then learn some fundamental trading strategy. Educating Yourself in the Forex Market Read everything you can get your hands on. Learn from every source you can. The forex market is learnable. Give yourself some time and stick with it before you put real money in the market. Once you are ready to start trading with real money start out slow. The market will be there. Another good trade is only hours away, in one currency pair or another. Keep that money in your account and gradually add to it as you continue to learn. Before you know it, your account size will be bigger than you realized, and to top it off, you’ll have a wealth of Forex education, that will build your confidence while you are developing your skills. Just remember, STUDY, LEARN, DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS, AND EARN. It is more important to become a good trader, in the beginning, than it is to make a lot of money. The money will come as your skills develop. It takes time and energy to do it right but you can do it if you learn the proper skills. There is a wealth of information on the Internet so do your homework and you’ll be just fine.