Getting paid to wait is a wonderful thing. When a person can control the urge to place a trade the possibilities of making a larger number of pips is greatly increased. Patience is important not only in waiting for the right trades, but also in staying with trades that are working. I hear traders say, "I should have waited until the signal said to get in the market. I was anticipating the trade trying to make the market do what I wanted when I wanted." I also hear traders say, "I should have stayed in that trade, it just went another 30 pips after I got out! If I had trusted my indicators, I would have make a lot more."
One of the keys to trading well is waiting. One of the hardest things to do is discipline yourself to check the computer on a schedule rather than sitting in front of it for hours. Look for developing signals then return when the signals actually could have developed. When the signals say go then just place the trade and don’t hesitate and analyze any longer. Trading takes on a whole new outlook when you can wait for the market to come to you rather than you chasing after it.
Try relying on signals, and keep the emotions out of trading and things will become more fun and profitable. I was just thinking about having to always be trading even when the market is on a break. I guess that is why I wrote some of my thoughts about just taking a relaxed approach to trading and how much more enjoyable and profitable it is when I wait and trade loose.