
NSS indicators on the charts

S= Shadow … Momentum indicator on the price bars

MAO = Moving Average of Oscillator Indicator

T = Trend indicator

F = Filter... Filter Indicator



EBF = Early Bird Filter ... S, MAO, F are the same color

MF = MAO Filter ... MAO, F, the same color

4 BAR = Any time 4 bars are the same color S, MAO, T, F

3 BAR Special = Any time 3 bars are the same color S, MAO, T

BLS = Blue Light Special … The first time the S and T are the same color

EBS = Early Bird Special…The first time the S and MAO are the same color

ZONE = When any indicator or multiplies of indicators i.e. S and T, MAO and F are the same color several bars in a row

Saddle = When the T is on the correct side of the zero line and the T changes colors

Cross = When the T, MAO, or F cross the zero line

Color Change = When S, MAO, T, or F change colors

NA = Norwood Alert … when the MAO crosses the zero line

Correct side of zero line =

RBO = Range Breakout