We would all be happy to make some quick cash, but we are even happier when we find that we know how to keep it. The way most successful traders have gained their money is through many hours of experience over long periods of time. They also are students of the markets they trade in.
One thing that I find fascinating about the forex market is that there is always something new to learn. As I gain experience and mature I see things differently than when I first started trading. I have those days when a light comes on and I think-why didn’t I see that before? The better my study program and habits, the more I seem to earn and trading becomes easier and more enjoyable.
Early in my career as a trader I heard that trading the forex market was learnable. I am glad I believed that statement and stuck with the studying. In my studying I was trying to get better at reading the technical indicators and using some fundamental information together to get better results. Also I found that part of my study program was learning how to manage my trades, not just getting in and out of the market. Then there is the element of your emotions. I found that I needed to study how to deal with the ups and downs of the market, and the wins and losses. It is just as important to learn how to handle the wins, as it is the losses. I would have a big win and thought I was a great trader then I had a loss and thought my world had come to an end. So I have learned that I need to plan for the losses not just the wins. Trade your plan for consistent growth and you will get a big one once in a while. By continuing to study you will find that you will have more quick big money.