Take a look at your trading if you are not doing well, you will most likely find that you are not trading in the present. You may be over thinking the market. Your thoughts may be on past successes or past failures which take you away from trading in the present. You could be thinking about all the money you will be making or all the money you have been losing. All of this noise is just taking you away from the present and what the market is really doing.
We all need to find out how we can get back to the present in our trading. We may need to take a close look at ourselves and our motives for trading. Do we have to be right all of the time? Are we finding we have deviated from our trading system or could we be reacting to rather than acting on signals? If you are doing any of these things you are making trading more difficult than it has to be. Keep your trading in the area of probabilities where there is no right or wrong just a result with the advantage in your favor.
Once you can trade in the present you may find trading boring. It becomes very mechanical. When you reach this stage in your trading you will probably find your account is increasing without much effort. You might find that you want to tweak your trading system to make it more interesting. Just remind yourself this is your business and you are in it to make money stick with the trading plan and find other diversions in your life. Just trade, make money, and be happy. Then share your knowledge with others